Dr. Thomas V. Taylor: Moving Abroad Tips

Dr. Thomas V. Taylor was educated and trained as an academic surgeon in England before he was invited to the United States to become a Professor of Surgery at Baylor College of Medicine. He had already established a good reputation as a skilled professional, with the folks at Houston, Texas, seeing him as an excellent addition to the team.

Like Dr. Taylor, you may find yourself having to move abroad for work. Before making the big move, here’s what to consider:

  • Give yourself time

Getting accustomed to a new environment won’t happen overnight. It will take at least a couple of months to settle in with the new culture. Be open to new opportunities to make friends.

  • Pace yourself

The daily challenges of adapting to the new country will wear you down, so don’t make more stressful by jumping into every opportunity that presents itself.

  • Learning a new language takes effort

Fortunately for Dr. Taylor, he didn’t have to learn a new language. But if you’re going to place where you have to learn a new language, making an effort from the start will help you learn it faster.

Also can read: Dr. Thomas V. Taylor Shares on His Educational Background