Dr. Thomas V. Taylor’s Interesting Football Facts

Watching American football is a hobby of Houston resident, Dr. Thomas V. Taylor. He has liked the game for many years, since moving from Great Britain to the United States. Living in Texas, he has realized that football is as essential to a Texan’s way of life as air or water. His time spent in the state has taught him some interesting and odd facts about the American sport.

Dr Thomas V Taylor

  • The National Football League (NFL) determines one championship winning team each year through the Super Bowl game. Thousands of people attend the Super Bowl and millions more watch the game on television.
  • While the arena that hosts the Super Bowl appears to be stocked with fans, only twenty percent of the game’s live audience are average attendees. Eighty percent of all Super Bowl ticket sales are sold or given through corporate groups and sponsorships.
  • Super Bowl Sunday is a difficult day for American pizza delivery drivers. Not only is more take-out pizza consumed on that day than any other through the year, but delivery drivers get into far more vehicle accidents that afternoon and evening.
  • Most professional athletes make large salaries, but American football players do not make the most. Players in the NFL bring home roughly 1.5 billion dollars per year, but professional basketball players earn nearly three times that much.
  • The most affluent NFL National Football League team in the United States is the Dallas Cowboys, from Dr. Thomas V. Taylor’s hometown state of Texas.