Dr. Thomas V Taylor – Study Tips For Medical Students

During the course of his long career, Dr. Thomas V Taylor has had the privilege to educate many medical students, particularly while working for the Baylor College of Medicine. Studying to enter a career in medicine is difficult for even the most gifted of students, so try to keep all of the below in mind in order to stand the best chances of succeeding.

Dr Thomas V Taylor

Avoid Cramming

The knowledge you learn during your time as a medical student is going to prove vital later on in your career. Trying to cram everything into a couple of study sessions does a disservice to yourself and the people you may end up treating. Study regularly and for short periods of time, as this will allow you to take information in more readily while also avoiding fatigue.

Learn From Mistakes

Doing poorly on a test is not the end of the world. In fact, you will find that most medical professionals achieved low marks on a subject at some point in their careers. Your response to scoring a low mark is much more important. Recognize that a weakness has been pointed out and take steps to remedy it, without getting too down on yourself for the grade.

Get Support

Dr. Thomas V Taylor worked with many medical students who had moved away from home to study. This meant that their support groups altered, which many may find difficult to adjust to. Remember that your family are just a phone call away and the people you make friends with during your studies will also be there to help.